Solving the “No TabsContext provided when creating tab with hooksAPI in mui/base” Conundrum
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Solving the “No TabsContext provided when creating tab with hooksAPI in mui/base” Conundrum

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Are you tired of scratching your head over the infamous “No TabsContext provided when creating tab with hooksAPI in mui/base” error? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of Material-UI (MUI) and explore the intricacies of using hooksAPI to create tabs. By the end of this article, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle this pesky error and create stunning tabs that will leave your users in awe.

Understanding the Problem

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand what’s causing the issue. When you try to create a tab using hooksAPI in MUI’s base component, you’re likely to encounter this error message:

Error: No TabsContext provided when creating tab with hooksAPI in mui/base

This error occurs when the `TabsContext` is not provided to the `Tab` component. But why does this happen? It’s because the `TabsContext` is a required context for the `Tab` component to function correctly.

What is TabsContext?

`TabsContext` is a context object that stores the state and props of the tabs component. It’s responsible for managing the active tab, handling tab changes, and providing a way to access the tabs component’s props and state. Without the `TabsContext`, the `Tab` component cannot function as expected.

Solving the Issue

Now that we understand the problem, let’s explore the solutions to this conundrum. Here are a few approaches to provide the required `TabsContext` to the `Tab` component:

Method 1: Using the `Tabs` Component

The easiest way to provide the `TabsContext` is to wrap your `Tab` component with the `Tabs` component. The `Tabs` component automatically creates the `TabsContext` and provides it to its child components.

import { Tabs, Tab } from '@mui/base';

function MyTabs() {
  return (
      <Tab label="Tab 1" />
      <Tab label="Tab 2" />

In this example, the `Tabs` component wraps the `Tab` components, providing the required `TabsContext`.

Method 2: Using the `TabsContextProvider`

If you’re using a custom component or a third-party library that doesn’t provide the `TabsContext`, you can use the `TabsContextProvider` component to create the context manually.

import { TabsContextProvider, Tab } from '@mui/base';

function MyTabs() {
  return (
      <Tab label="Tab 1" />
      <Tab label="Tab 2" />

In this example, the `TabsContextProvider` component creates the `TabsContext` and provides it to the `Tab` components.

Method 3: Creating a Custom Context Provider

If you need more control over the `TabsContext` or want to customize it to your specific use case, you can create a custom context provider.

import { createContext, useState } from 'react';
import { Tab } from '@mui/base';

const TabsContext = createContext();

function TabsContextProvider({ children }) {
  const [activeTab, setActiveTab] = useState(0);

  return (
    <TabsContext.Provider value={{ activeTab, setActiveTab }}>

function MyTabs() {
  return (
      <Tab label="Tab 1" />
      <Tab label="Tab 2" />

In this example, we create a custom `TabsContext` using the `createContext` hook from React. We then create a custom `TabsContextProvider` component that provides the `TabsContext` to its child components.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even with the solutions above, you might still encounter some issues. Here are some common problems and their solutions:

Issue 1: Nested TabsContext

If you’re experiencing issues with nested tabs, make sure you’re not creating multiple `TabsContext` instances. Instead, use a single `TabsContext` instance and provide it to all nested tabs.

Issue 2: Missing TabsContext in a Functional Component

If you’re using a functional component and experiencing issues with the `TabsContext`, make sure you’re not using the ` tabsContext` prop. Instead, use the `useContext` hook to access the `TabsContext`.

import { useContext } from 'react';
import { TabsContext } from '@mui/base';

function MyTab() {
  const tabsContext = useContext(TabsContext);

  // Use the tabsContext here

Best Practices

When working with hooksAPI and Material-UI, it’s essential to follow some best practices to avoid common pitfalls:

  1. Use the `Tabs` component whenever possible: The `Tabs` component is designed to work seamlessly with hooksAPI and provides the required `TabsContext`.

  2. Provide the `TabsContext` explicitly: If you’re using a custom component or a third-party library, make sure to provide the `TabsContext` explicitly using the `TabsContextProvider` or a custom context provider.

  3. Avoid nested `TabsContext` instances: Nested `TabsContext` instances can cause issues with the tab state and props. Instead, use a single `TabsContext` instance and provide it to all nested tabs.

  4. Use the `useContext` hook to access the `TabsContext`: When using a functional component, use the `useContext` hook to access the `TabsContext` instead of relying on the `tabsContext` prop.


In conclusion, the “No TabsContext provided when creating tab with hooksAPI in mui/base” error is a common issue that can be resolved by providing the required `TabsContext` to the `Tab` component. By following the methods and best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle this error and create stunning tabs that will leave your users in awe.

Remember to use the `Tabs` component whenever possible, provide the `TabsContext` explicitly, avoid nested `TabsContext` instances, and use the `useContext` hook to access the `TabsContext`. With these tips and tricks, you’ll be creating tabs like a pro in no time!

Method Description
Using the `Tabs` component Wrap the `Tab` component with the `Tabs` component to provide the `TabsContext`.
Using the `TabsContextProvider` Use the `TabsContextProvider` component to create the `TabsContext` manually.
Creating a custom context provider Create a custom context provider to customize the `TabsContext` to your specific use case.

We hope this comprehensive guide has helped you solve the “No TabsContext provided when creating tab with hooksAPI in mui/base” error and provided you with a deeper understanding of Material-UI and hooksAPI. Happy coding!

Here is the HTML code with 5 Questions and Answers about “No TabsContext provided when creating tab with hooksAPI in mui/base”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to the most commonly asked questions about “No TabsContext provided when creating tab with hooksAPI in mui/base” right here!

What is the main cause of “No TabsContext provided” error when creating a tab with hooksAPI in mui/base?

The main cause of this error is that the TabsContext is not provided when creating a tab using the hooksAPI in mui/base. This context is required to render the tabs correctly.

How can I provide the TabsContext when creating a tab with hooksAPI in mui/base?

You can provide the TabsContext by wrapping your tab component with the TabsContextProvider component from mui/base. This will ensure that the TabsContext is available to your tab component.

What are the consequences of not providing the TabsContext when creating a tab with hooksAPI in mui/base?

If you don’t provide the TabsContext, your tab component will not render correctly, and you may see errors or warnings in your console. This can also lead to unexpected behavior or layout issues in your application.

Can I use the useTabsContext hook to get the TabsContext in my tab component?

Yes, you can use the useTabsContext hook to get the TabsContext in your tab component. This hook returns the TabsContext object, which you can use to access the tab’s state and props.

Is it possible to create a custom TabsContextProvider component to provide a custom TabsContext to my tab component?

Yes, it is possible to create a custom TabsContextProvider component to provide a custom TabsContext to your tab component. This can be useful if you need to customize the TabsContext to fit your specific use case.