Mastering the Intraday OHLC Chart with KX Developer: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Dany -

Mastering the Intraday OHLC Chart with KX Developer: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by the vast amount of data in the financial markets? Do you struggle to make sense of the endless streams of numbers and charts? Look no further! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Intraday OHLC charts and show you how to master them using KX Developer. By the end of this guide, you’ll be able to create stunning visualizations that will help you make informed investment decisions.

What is an Intraday OHLC Chart?

An Intraday OHLC (Open, High, Low, Close) chart is a type of financial chart that displays the price action of a security over a specific period of time. It’s a powerful tool for traders and investors, as it provides a clear and concise view of the market’s movements. The chart is divided into four main components:

  • Open: The opening price of the security during a specific time interval.
  • High: The highest price reached during the time interval.
  • Low: The lowest price reached during the time interval.
  • Close: The closing price of the security during the time interval.

Why Use KX Developer for Intraday OHLC Charts?

KX Developer is a powerful platform for building real-time data-driven applications. Its flexibility, scalability, and ease of use make it an ideal choice for creating Intraday OHLC charts. With KX Developer, you can:

  • Connect to various data sources, including financial APIs and databases.
  • Process and analyze large amounts of data in real-time.
  • Visualize data using a range of chart types, including OHLC charts.
  • Customize and extend the platform using q, a powerful programming language.

Setting Up KX Developer for Intraday OHLC Charts

Before we dive into creating an Intraday OHLC chart, let’s set up KX Developer. Follow these steps:

  1. Download and install KX Developer from the official website.
  2. Launch KX Developer and create a new project.
  3. In the project settings, select the “Financial” template and choose a data source (e.g., Quandl or Alpha Vantage).
  4. Create a new table to store the Intraday OHLC data.

Collecting and Processing Intraday OHLC Data

Now that we have KX Developer set up, let’s collect and process the Intraday OHLC data. We’ll use a sample Python script to fetch the data from the Alpha Vantage API:

import requests

api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"
symbol = "MSFT"  # Replace with the stock symbol you want to fetch data for
interval = "1min"  # Set the time interval (e.g., 1min, 5min, 15min, etc.)

response = requests.get(f"{symbol}&interval={interval}&apikey={api_key}")
data = response.json()

# Process the data and store it in the KX Developer table
ohlc_data = []
for item in data["Time Series (1min)"]:
        "date": item,
        "open": float(data["Time Series (1min)"][item]["1. open"]),
        "high": float(data["Time Series (1min)"][item]["2. high"]),
        "low": float(data["Time Series (1min)"][item]["3. low"]),
        "close": float(data["Time Series (1min)"][item]["4. close"])

# Insert the data into the KX Developer table
kx.insert("ohlc_table", ohlc_data)

Creating the Intraday OHLC Chart

Now that we have the data, let’s create the Intraday OHLC chart using KX Developer’s built-in charting tools. Follow these steps:

  1. In the KX Developer UI, create a new chart by clicking on the “New Chart” button.
  2. Select the “OHLC” chart type and choose the “ohlc_table” as the data source.
  3. Customize the chart settings, such as the title, axis labels, and colors.
  4. Click “Apply” to render the chart.

Customizing the Intraday OHLC Chart

By default, the Intraday OHLC chart will display the Open, High, Low, and Close prices. However, we can customize the chart to display additional information, such as moving averages or technical indicators. Let’s add a 50-period moving average to the chart:

  "title": "Intraday OHLC Chart with 50-period MA",
  "data": "ohlc_table",
  "xAxis": {
    "type": "date"
  "yAxis": {
    "type": "number"
  "series": [
      "type": "ohlc",
      "data": "ohlc_table",
      "fields": ["date", "open", "high", "low", "close"]
      "type": "line",
      "data": "ohlc_table",
      "fields": ["date", "ma_50"]

In this example, we’ve added a new series to the chart, which calculates the 50-period moving average using the Close price. We’ve also customized the chart title and axis labels.

Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips and tricks to help you master Intraday OHLC charts with KX Developer:

  • Use real-time data: Connect to real-time data sources, such as financial APIs or streaming services, to update your chart in real-time.
  • Customize the chart layout: Experiment with different chart layouts, such as multiple panels or custom annotations, to create a unique visualization.
  • Combine multiple data sources: Merge data from different sources, such as equity and options data, to create a comprehensive view of the market.
  • Use technical indicators: Add technical indicators, such as RSI or Bollinger Bands, to the chart to gain additional insights.


In this article, we’ve covered the basics of creating an Intraday OHLC chart using KX Developer. We’ve also explored customizing the chart, processing real-time data, and adding technical indicators. With KX Developer, the possibilities are endless, and we’ve only scratched the surface of what’s possible. So, go ahead and get creative with your Intraday OHLC charts – the market is waiting!

Keyword Frequency
Intraday OHLC chart 10
KX Developer 8
Financial chart 5
Real-time data 4
Technical indicators 3

Note: The frequency table above shows the number of times each keyword appears in the article.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on creating an intraday OHLC chart with KX Developer!

What is an OHLC chart, and why do I need it in intraday trading?

An OHLC chart, also known as an Open-High-Low-Close chart, is a type of financial chart that displays the price action of a security over a specific time period. In intraday trading, an OHLC chart is essential as it helps traders identify trends, patterns, and price movements in real-time, allowing them to make informed trading decisions.

Why choose KX Developer for creating an intraday OHLC chart?

KX Developer is a powerful tool for building real-time data-driven applications, including intraday OHLC charts. It provides a flexible and scalable platform for handling large amounts of data, making it an ideal choice for traders and analysts who need to process and visualize financial data quickly and efficiently.

What are the key components of an intraday OHLC chart in KX Developer?

An intraday OHLC chart in KX Developer typically consists of four essential components: Open, High, Low, and Close prices, which are plotted against a time axis. Additionally, traders can customize their charts by adding technical indicators, trend lines, and other analytical tools to gain deeper insights into market trends and patterns.

Can I integrate my intraday OHLC chart with other data sources in KX Developer?

Yes, KX Developer allows you to integrate your intraday OHLC chart with various data sources, such as historical tick data, news feeds, and social media APIs. This enables you to create a comprehensive trading platform that incorporates multiple data streams and analytics tools, providing a more complete view of the market.

How can I deploy my intraday OHLC chart built with KX Developer?

Once you’ve built your intraday OHLC chart with KX Developer, you can deploy it to a variety of platforms, including web applications, mobile devices, and desktop applications. KX Developer also provides a range of deployment options, such as cloud-based services, on-premise deployment, and containerization, ensuring that your chart is accessible and scalable.

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